
Title: Integrated Financial Management Information Systems Success Factors in Selected Local Governments Districts of Kanungu and Rukungiri
Author(s): Arinatwe Winfred, Margaret Kareyo, Businge Phelix Mbabazi
Year 2018
Publisher: International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Science ISSN (Online): 2456-7361
File: PDF

This study investigated the success factors of integrated financial management information system in selected local government

districts of Kanungu and Rukungiri using by adapting employed the information systems success model of Delone and Mclean (2003) and the

CRUT model of Kappos and Rivard (2008) and employing descriptive comparative design. Data was collected from 86 sample size in a total

population of 110 using Interviews, observation and questionnaire method. findings revealed that information quality, organisational,

technology and user factors were rated very high in Rukungiri and Kanungu with average mean above 3.3; while system and service quality

were rated high in both districts of Rukungiri and Kanungu with average mean above 2.8. The study recommended improved IS training and

capacity building and encourage IS users in quality participation.