
Title: English language and Academic Performance among Learners in Inclusive Schools of Mabaale Sub County, Kagadi District.
Author(s): Samanya Bulhan; Kusemererwa Seezi
Year 2023
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Keywords: English language. Academic Performance Learners Inclusive Schools Mabaale. Sub County Kagadi and District.

The study focused on teaching language and performances among learners in rural schools in Mabaale Sub County,
Kagadi district. The study was carried in four schools namely: Kamuyange, Kamurandu, Muntuguru and
Nyakarongo primary schools. In the view of the study, it was revealed from the findings that the sampled schools
experienced poor performances in English language. There are poor communication, school dropout, poor class
attendance, family background, poor teaching methods, nick naming teachers, lack of scholastic materials, late
coming, poor cooperation and collaboration among learners. The findings of the study showed that the effect of
English language on academic performance in Mabaale Sub County include; failure to interpret questions, poor
expression using the language, lack of confidence by learners, grammatical errors in answering questions and
spelling problems by both the learners and teachers. In order to have improved performance in primary schools in
English, the teachers should always make sure that the right instructional materials and methods of teaching should
be used depending on the content/work to be covered, providing refresher courses for teachers targeted at
methodology, the pupils should be provided with language hobbies and other leisure activities