
Title: Exploring Indigenous Medicinal Plants for Managing Diabetes Mellitus in Uganda: Ethnobotanical Insights, Pharmacotherapeutic Strategies, and National Development Alignment
Author(s): Ugwu Okechukwu Paul-Chima, 2Kungu Erisa, 2Inyangat Raphael, 1Obeagu Emmanuel I., 1Alum Esther Ugo, 1Okon Michael B., 3Shanthi Subbarayan and 3Vidya Sankarapandiyan
Year 2023
Publisher: INOSR Experimental Sciences
File: PDF

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) stands as a pressing global health concern, particularly in Uganda,
where its prevalence mirrors global trends driven by urbanization, lifestyle changes, and
genetic predispositions. This study delves into Uganda's rich heritage of medicinal plants,
investigating their use in managing DM within local communities. A comprehensive
review was conducted, exploring the epidemiology and pathophysiology of DM in Uganda,
emphasizing genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors, and the healthcare landscape. The
study unveils indigenous medicinal plants employed for DM management, detailing their
usage, preparation, and potential therapeutic properties. Additionally, the
pharmacotherapeutic landscape for DM management, encompassing oral hypoglycemic
agents, injectable therapies, and adjunctive medications, is scrutinized in alignment with
Uganda's healthcare policies. Moreover, the study aligns strategies for DM management
with Uganda's National Development Plan (NDP), outlining an integrative approach for
healthcare infrastructure, primary care strengthening, sustainable financing, health
information systems, and collaborative partnerships.
Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Medicinal Plants, Uganda, Ethnobotany, Pharmacological
Evaluation, National Development Plan, Integrated Healthcare Strategies