
Title: Prevalence of Pneumonia and associated factors in Children under five years of age attending Pediatric Ward at Ishaka Adventist Hospital Bushenyi District.
Author(s): Rutehenda Johnbosco
Year 2023
File: PDF
Keywords: Children Pediatric ward Pneumonia Health workers and Immunization

The study assessed the prevalence of pneumonia and associated factors in children under five years of age attending
pediatric ward at Ishaka Adventist Hospital and the specific objectives were to establish prevalence of the children
presenting with pneumonia among children, to identify the factors associated with occurrence of pneumonia in
children under five and to review the clinical presentation of pneumonia in children under five years. A descriptive
questionnaire based cross sectional study was to be carried out in Ishaka Adventist hospital, whereby attendants of
children of below five years but above 3 months on pediatric ward were requested to participate in the study. After
a laboratory follow up and comparison with patients file will be done to confirm the diagnosis. The study found out
that, Children who participated in this study were 138, out of which 24(17%) had pneumonia, those who were most
involved in this study were between age of 3months- 2years 98(71%). Also, the highest age range of children with
pneumonia were 3month- 2years 19(79%) and the most factors associated with pneumonia in this study were
crowded houses 01(7%), dusty houses 02(8%), one was not fully immunized (7%) and parents’ smoking was 01 (7%)
and lastly the most clinical features presented in children who had pneumonia were cough 8(33%), flue 05(20.8%)
and fever 04(16.7%). In conclusion therefore, although different measures have been taken intervene in treatment of
pneumonia, it is not enough and therefore the following are recommendations, health workers should health educate
about the importance of immunization during antenatal so that after birth, mothers already know how to prevent
pneumonia, during out reaches, health workers should advice parents on good ventilation, avoiding children to reach
fire place were smoke can find them and lastly health workers should educate mothers/ caretakers on early signs
and symptoms so that if seen in children, can be brought for treatment to avoid complication.