
Title: The relationship between financial decentralization and quality of maternal health services
Author(s): Emmyline Twinamatsiko, Benard Nuwatuhaire, Anthony Mpairwe and Deusdedit Byabasheija
Year 2023
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Keywords: financial decentralization maternal health services women

This study aimed at investigating Decentralisation policy implementation and quality of maternal
health services in Kihiihi Town Council and Nyanga Sub county-Kanungu District. It was guided by
three objectives namely. The objectives were; to determine the relationship between Political
decentralization and the quality of maternal health services in Kihiihi town council and Nyanga Sub
County - Kanungu district, to find out the relationship between financial decentralization and quality
of maternal health services in Kihiihi town council and Nyanga Sub County - Kanungu district and to
assess the relationship between administrative decentralization and quality of maternal health services
in Kihiihi town council and Nyanga Sub County -Kanungu district. The study adopted descriptive crosssectional
research and correlational designs on a sample of 235 respondents. Data was collected using
a questionnaire and an interview guide. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies, percentages
mean, correlation and regression. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Inferential
analysis results indicated that financial decentralisation had a strong positive significant relationship
with quality of maternal health services. Therefore, it was concluded that financial decentralisation as
components of decentralization policy implementation is essential for quality of maternal health